

发布日期:2023-06-21 17:47信息来源:市教育局 责任编辑:熊薇名师工作室 阅读次数: 【字号:   收藏






Summer Solstice, the 10th solar term of a year, stands for the arrival of summer. People in ancient Huizhou believed that this time is when everything reaches its prime. This year’s Summer Solstice falls on June 21st. Now let's walk into the Summer Solstice in Huizhou.


Fans bring cool breeze 扇子送来徐徐凉风

In ancient Huizhou, the most important tool for bringing cool air was the fan. People in ancient Huizhou used different kinds of fans, such as round fans(Tuan Shan),and sandalwood fans. During the day of Summer Solstice , women give each other colorful fans to help relieve the summer heat.

古徽州最主要的纳凉工具就是扇子 。因此 ,古徽州人使用各种扇子 ,例如团 扇、檀香扇等 。在夏至 ,女士们互送彩色的扇子 ,为彼此送去徐徐凉风。

A bowl of cold noodles来一碗凉面

Summer Solstice would be incomplete without a bowl of cold noodles. People in Huizhou prefer cold noodles with sauce during the summer. After boiled in hot water, the noodles are cooled in cold water, and mixed with different kinds of sauce and vegetables, which are refreshing and tasty.

没有一碗凉面的夏至是不完整的 。徽州人喜欢在夏天吃凉面 。把面 条用热水煮熟后 ,再放入凉水中冷却 ,并混合上各种酱汁和蔬菜搅拌 ,既清爽又美味 。

"Bamboo still contains powder, but the lotus has already begun to come out." The Summer Solstice in Huizhou--between the mountains and rivers , are waving to you!

“绿筠尚含粉,圆荷始散芳”,徽州的夏至——于山水 之间,向你招手!